The lender won’t fund you without an online presence for your business. Because if lenders can’t find you online, your business is not legit, so they won’t lend you. In this episode, Patrice Jordan, the founder of Her Secret Vault, offers her insights on creating a great online presence for your business and standing out in the market. Your business needs to be in a position where you dominate the first page of Google, and it’s better to be on the second page too. She also shows the difference between having an online presence from not having one. Patrice also emphasizes the importance of posting content on multiple social media platforms and having many social media for your SEO pops up! Tune in to this insightful episode and learn more from Patrice about building a great online presence for your business.
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Without A Business Online Presence, Lender Won't Fund You
What's up, Business Bosses? Welcome to the Bosses Build Business Credit show. We're at episode five. In this episode, I want to discuss with you about online presence. What’s a better way to discuss online presence with you and show you what a great online presence is supposed to look like? I have people that come to me all the time that says, "Coach, what do you mean by our online presence?" First, let me introduce myself to those of you who are not familiar with who I am. My name is Patrice S. Jordan. I am the founder of Her Secret Vault and Bosses Build Business Credit podcast. I teach entrepreneurs how to build business credit using EIN only.
One of the ways that entrepreneurs can stand out in the market by building business credit using EIN only is by having an online presence. Let's think about it. If I cannot find you, why would I lend to you? I talk to you all the time about the importance of having an online presence. If you are going to get these vehicles under your business, you are going to get these Airbnbs under your business, you are going for funding, and you need to get grants under your business, it's important that you have an online presence. Many people tell me, "Coach, I have an online presence." When I do the actual work myself to see people's business and if they have actually an online presence, 9 out of 10, you do not have an online presence.
The way I want you to look at online presence is if I cannot find you, I cannot lend to you. Think of a lender. Let's say you're coming to me and you're like, "I need to get $50,000 worth of funding." No PG funding. Remember, there's no attachment to your business from your personal. The same exact thing for vehicles. When it comes to getting anything that you are looking to do under your business with no personal guarantee, which is what PG stands for, you have to stand out in the market. You have to create an online presence because an online presence is what they look for. Meaning, that you have a legit business and you're serious about your business.
To get anything you look to do under your business with no personal guarantee, you have to stand out in a market. You have to create an online presence.
That is one of the best ways for you to be able to get funding, Airbnb, or vehicles. This is why my community has been the way that it has been, especially with getting these vehicles. We have gained over 1,000 vehicles under our business, with no PG and no money down, from simply having a great online presence because the companies that we work with directly, we know what they're looking for.
I want to do something a little bit different. I want to show you a live interaction of what a business presence looks like because I get the question all the time. What I want to do first is I want to show you the difference between not having an online presence versus having an online presence. I'm going to use two examples. I'm going to use my actual business, and then I'm going to use a random business. There are so many different students in my community. There are literally thousands of people that go through the process of trying to build an online presence. They cannot figure out why they're not able to build an online presence or even how to build an online presence. I want to show you what that looks like.
Create An Online Presence
Let me go ahead and share my screen with you, so you can see what an online presence is supposed to look like versus what an online presence is not. I'm going to use something random. Let's jump straight into this. In creating an online presence, your business has to be in a position where it dominates the first page of Google. The first page is always best. The first and second page is always better.
We are going to go into a random person's business, which is one of my students that you are familiar with, Ms. Jackson. She just rebranded her business to I Am The Blueprint Now. With Ms. Jackson's business, she does not have an online presence yet because it's a brand-new rebranding that we're doing. Let's look at what comes up in I Am The Blueprint Now. As you can see, that's incredible.
I come up under I Am The Blueprint Now. I've never done this before, so I'm showing you a live actual breakdown of this. It's exciting to see me come up under I Am The Blueprint Now because what happens is that, my online presence is also getting better by having other people on my brand. A lot of people collaborate over competition. Too many people want to be in competition but not in collaboration. This was something that I posted for Ms. Jackson on my page, which is collaboration over competition. The fact that I can come up with something that I posted for her under the blueprint, it's amazing.
Let's look at I Am The Blueprint Now. I'm sure that this is Ms. Jackson's website. Hopefully, it's Ms. Jackson's website. If you notice on the first page it says, "Untitled." I'm going to go back and show you that because it looked like the website is not up yet because she's still doing branding for this page. Untitled, but it's I Am The Blueprint Now. Let's try that one more time and see if it comes. The domain I Am The Blueprint Now is not available because it was purchased. I purchased this domain for Ms. Jackson and I transferred over to her because with her learning from me and the way that she learned from me, now I can pass on the torch saying, "She is the blueprint now."
She has to get her website presence up. As we go down, we don't see anything here about I Am The Blueprint Now. The only thing that comes up for I Am The Blueprint Now is my business, which is a little bit exciting because it is something that I posted on my page to promote her. Because I tagged her, I Am The Blueprint Now, I was able to come up in the search engine for I Am The Blueprint Now. If you notice here, there's no online presence for I Am The Blueprint Now.
I'm going to separate the words as well. When we separate the words, we see things like Blueprint, which is one of Jay-Z's songs that's coming up here. We see a blueprint for the vet team. Nothing to do with I Am The Blueprint Now. The Blueprint comes up as a popular brand as Jay-Z's song, but there's no online presence for I Am The Blueprint Now. This is exactly what an online presence is not supposed to look like.
Let's go into what an online presence is supposed to look like as a whole. First and foremost, when you type in Her Secret Vault, every single thing on the first page belongs to me, Patrice S, Jordan, the Founder of Her Secret Vault. This is what an online presence looks like. Let's start from the top. The first thing that comes up is my business website. My business website is now BossesBuildBusinessCredit.com. However, with the SEO for my business, which is Search Engine Optimization, we made sure that Her Secret Vault is still incorporated, so they know Her Secret Vault is the brand, and Bosses Build Business Credit is the slogan. The Bosses Build Business Credit website is the one that works perfectly for me.
This here is what you consider placing yourself on Google. When somebody is looking up your business information, they should be able to find information on your business. How do you place your business on Google? Usually, what you would do is you want to create a Gmail account. You want to go up on the right-hand side where there are about six little dots, and then you want to search for a little part that says business. It looks like a blue umbrella. Once you click on that, it allows you to put your business on Google. This is how I was able to put my business on Google.
What also helps my business are the reviews that people leave for my business, which I'm super grateful for. Everything I do, I do it for my community. Just like educating you on how to create an online presence, I'm doing this for you as well. That way, you know how to position yourself in the market. The second thing that you see here with an online presence is that I have Facebook. Because I have Facebook, anytime you search Her Secret Vault, Facebook has its own SEO, which is Search Engine Optimization. As you are seeing here, this is my business page. Anytime you type in Her Secret Vault because I've created an online presence for myself, it pops up on the first page of Google.
Search Engine Optimization
You have to get familiar with Search Engine Optimization, what it is, what it does, and how it can help your business. Dun & Bradstreet. This is not the actual Dun & Bradstreet for my business. This is for another business that I have that's called Her Secret Vault Academy, but because Her Secret Vault is attached to it, it comes up and it looks like my business. It is my business, but it's not this particular business. It's a completely separate company, but nobody would know this unless I tell them. I am benefiting on the first page of Google by having that done in the Bradstreet profile as well.
Social Media Platforms
As we go down, you can see that I also have Instagram. Instagram plays a major part in SEO as well. This is why it's super important for you to have every single social media platform. The more social media platforms you have, the more content you post on it, your SEO pops up. It's important that we lock down every single social media platform from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and every single social media platform. My business pops up there too. We have Instagram. As we go down, you can see Twitter. My business has a Twitter page as well. Now, it's no longer Twitter. It's X.

Online Presence: The more social media platforms you have, the more content you post, and your SEO pops up.
I can't keep up with Twitter/X, and so on and so forth, but I have an account with them, which allows me to stand out in the market. Do I use Twitter as often? Absolutely not. If you notice, when I try to log in, it's asking me for my username and password because it's not an account that I use all the time, but because it's attached to my Instagram, anytime I send out anything on Instagram, not anything because only certain thing comes over to Twitter and certain things come over to Facebook. Anytime I post something on Instagram, most of the time, it goes to Twitter and Facebook at the same time. I'm not double and triple posting to create that online presence for myself. Twitter is also something that I have.
I'll tell you all about Pinterest. Just having the account, we do not have to use it. We can post 1 or 2 things here. Let's see when was the last time I used Pinterest. I need to update this myself as well. This was stuff that I was posting when I initially started teaching as a coach and putting information out or putting it on Pinterest. By doing so, it allowed me to create an online presence. So far we have the business website, which is Bosses Build Business Credit, but my SEO, which is my Search Engine Optimization, which is done by my website guy, pushed me on Google by using the SEO. Her Secret Vault still comes up, even though the website is Bosses Build Business Credit, because the brand is Her Secret Vault, but the tagline is Bosses Build Business Credit.
Everybody should have a Facebook account. Everyone should have a Facebook account. Dun & Bradstreet is super important. Not necessarily this business, but it works perfectly because it has Her Secret Vault. Nobody knows that it's not Her Secret Vault unless I tell them the original Her Secret Vault. Instagram. Please start these accounts. It's important that you have these accounts because it creates a good online presence for you when you are going about trying to get funding, vehicles, Airbnbs, buying land, or grants for your business.

Online Presence: You must have different social media accounts because it creates a good online presence.
Grants are a big one. If you are right now in the market of looking for grants and you're not getting approved for grants, this can be one of the reasons why you're not getting approved for grants because they cannot find your business. If I cannot find you, I'm not lending to you. It's that simple. Twitter/X, whatever the platform is called now, I have that. Twitter and all these social media platforms are working for me, not against me. It's all working for me. The SEO which is their Search Engine Optimization is allowing my business to come up in the search engine.
I showed you Pinterest. Make sure that you are locking down at Pinterest. I know a lot of you are probably like, "What am I going to do with Pinterest? I don't have any need for it.” It's not about having a need for it. It's about creating an online presence for yourself. Google Business Consultant. Whenever you put your business up on Google, it allows you to create another website outside of your actual website. If we click on that, you're going to find my beacon dropdown, which is all of the products and services that I offer. This was something that I purposely did.
If I wanted to have Bosses Build Business Credit, I can have the Bosses Build Business Credit website, but that was not the route that I wanted to go. I wanted it to be anytime somebody clicks on public information, it takes them straight to any products and services that I offer to make it easier. I added that website here or I can add my Bosses Build Business Credit website, but that's not what I wanted to do.
As you go down here, after Pinterest, you notice that there is Her Secret Vault Business Credit Consultant. This is a whole other website that Google allowed me to build out. It’s a whole different website. I'm taking advantage of the SEO of my business, which is Search Engine Optimization. This is a completely different website that was built through that online platform, which is here. When you put this up in your back office, you're going to see an area where you are able to create a business website on that backend. It works perfectly for your SEO.
Create as much SEO as possible. It is super important that we are found online. If we're not found online, it's like saying you don't take your business seriously. I take my business very seriously. I pay attention to my business. I pay attention to my review. I pay attention to clients to see how I can help anybody else to be able to grow and skill their business.

I have TikTok. You see how my SEO, which is my Search Engine Optimization, is being pulled over from anything that's attached to Her Secret Vault. Do I use TikTok much? I do not. This is funny because I don't use TikTok and I've never used TikTok off my computer. I'm seeing a lot of things that you need to see for yourself as well. It says Her Secret Vault has 5 million views. First of all, thank you so much for viewing my page. Different videos have different numbers, 10,000, 28,862, 4,013, 27,000, and so on and so forth. The page itself has 5 million views.
What that tells me is that the services that I offer, people are looking for. I probably need to get back to posting more videos on TikTok because having 5 million views right up here, it is something that people are looking for. That gave me a little bit of a hustle to go back in, do this, and make sure I'm keeping my TikTok updated. Make sure that you do have a TikTok account as well. Every presence that you have works for you.
When it comes to videos that come up on Google from either students or somebody using the name, like this one. It says “secret vault.” Let's open that and see what that is about. This is somebody's TikTok, but because they use the word "secret vault," they're coming up in my Search Engine Optimization. What I usually do when things like that happen is that I have to go on TikTok now and post more things that have the word Her Secret Vault to knock out all these people here. They may not be using Her Secret Vault, but because I create an online presence, their videos are coming up as well.
Now, I have to go do some work on TikTok, put some more videos up, and use Her Secret Vault to knock out these videos on the first page. Not that it's a bad thing because it still shows that the business can be found. Her Secret Vault Consultant. This is an automatic thing that pops up on Google. This was the business before I was coaching. This is something that automatically pops up on Google, and most likely, every one of you has that. However, it's creating an online presence for me.
TikTok comes up again. Let's see if it's the same. It now shows a different part of TikTok. This one has 12.2 million views. I got to get back to TikTok because 12.2 million views in Her Secret Vault tell me that my content is stuff that people want. I have to create more content for TikTok. TikTok, don't worry, I'm coming back to you. I'll be able to post more information for you, but 12.2 million views, thank you so much. I appreciate it very much.
Scheduling. If you notice the first page of Google, I am dominating the first page of Google. Why? It's because I created an online presence. The same thing that I want you to do as well. Creating an online presence can help you get so much further. Whenever you get any account with your business name on it, exactly your business name, and you start to post, the SEO starts to kick you over to Google. This is all SEO from Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. It doesn't matter where it's coming from, but because it's attached to my business name, I'm creating an online presence for myself through their SEO.
Technically, they're doing the marketing for me. I'm just posting the content. Except for this page up here, I put this up here myself, which every one of you guys should dominate this right-hand side on Google. Nobody's business should not be here. TikTok, also scheduling. If somebody wanted to book a consultation with me, my scheduler comes up. Why does my scheduler come up? It's because it's attached to Her Secret Vault and the SEO, Search Engine Optimization, which is something that my website guy set up for me, they're able to go directly to book any type of consultation with me.
SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is super important when it comes to building an effective brand. If they cannot find you, they're not going to lend to you. Open Corps, New York City company, which is my company. If you are not familiar with this, whenever you create a business, it's public information. It is public information. Anybody can find you. Hence, why we say do not use your home address on this documentation. Get a corporate address. If you put your information online, it can be found because it's public information.
It tells you how long my business has been in business, my business address, the officers, and any changes. Removal of office of Her Secret Vault, which is my registered agent because I switched registered agent. It shows up here as well who's the new registered agent, and so on and so forth. Open Corps, because the text to Her Secret Vault, comes up on Google. I cannot stress enough that having Search Engine Optimization is super important for your business. Anytime I do events, because it's attached to Her Secret Vault, it comes up online as well. All events come up online.
I also have LinkedIn as a business owner. I have LinkedIn, which is attached to Her Secret Vault. As you can see, this is what an effective online presence looks like. You see how it says Business Credit Speaker at Her Secret Vault. Because it has Her Secret Vault, the Search Engine Optimization on LinkedIn is being pulled off of LinkedIn and pushed to Google, creating an online presence for me that's outstanding.
Anytime I post on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Anywhere I post, images come up because it's attached to Her Secret Vault. You can put out on the internet what you want people to view about you. If you have something bad on Google that you want to push down, you can do the same thing. Create your online presence. Her Secret Vault Bar, I had that company 7 to 8 years ago in hustle mode. Everything was Her Secret Vault. I used to do a pop-up bar where at different fashion show events, I would go and I would be a bartender, but I will create my custom type of drinks. It's so much fun doing stuff like that.
Anytime I do different types of events, my name is attached to it, stuff for my daughter, books that I've written. Some of this stuff doesn't apply to me. Also my logo. Anything that I want about my business, I'm able to post it, and then it comes across on Google. Again, Search Engine Optimization is super important. Something like this, Honeycomb Credit, Restaurant Secrets from the Vault. I probably need to go check it out myself. It doesn't necessarily apply to me, but because it has a vault on it, it comes across.
As you keep going down, you're noticing that pay hip. When I first started this business, I was using a platform that was a pay hip. My pay hip comes up, which is products. Her Secret Vault Academy, this is the biz file. Her Secret Vault Homepage, which is MailChimp, is my email marketing. It comes up on here as well when I was doing Black Friday Sales and things like that, even Apple. Her Secret Vault, my New York company as well.
It's a profile that the internet starts to create for you. This is what the first page of Google is supposed to look like. All you. You're supposed to dominate the first page of Google. This is what an effective business profile looks like. If you do not have a business profile when you Google your business name, make sure that you start now to create an online presence. I want to show you the difference between putting just Her Secret Vault and Her Secret Vault, Inc. Not any big difference.
Most people don't type an LLC or incorporation because they don't know what type of business you have. They'll type in Her Secret Vault. Even if they did know and they were searching Her Secret Vault Inc. still dominates the first page of Google. It's dominating the first page of Google. Everything on this first page of Google here is me. Even systems and stuff that I use, because it's attached to my business name, my Amazon Store is also coming up because it's attached to my business name. It's super important.
You can book a discovery call with Patrice Jordan if you need assistance to create a better online presence.
If you do not know what an effective business profile looks like, this is what an effective business profile looks like. If you need assistance to be able to create a better online presence, you can book a discovery call with me. I'll be able to help you to be able to create this online presence for yourself. I hope this show was super helpful in helping you create an online presence. I'll see you in episode six of the Bosses Build Business Credit show. As a reminder, Bosses Build Business Credit. I'll talk to you soon. Have a great day.